Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Getting Up to Date

The Taylor family welcomes you to our new blog. Let us just tell you a few things that have been going on in our lives. We are really looking forward to warmer weather so we can get outside more and enjoy the sunshine.

Starting with Mark...he is doing great in every way. I want to tell you how proud we are of him in his work. He has been published several times in national law magazines. He has a talent for writing and loves doing it with precision. He travels around the country at least 3-4 times a month to present what his company provides to other attorneys. Meira and I really miss him, but we are happy that he works so hard to let us stay home together.

We also just got our first grill so Mark is excited to learn the fine arts of grilling. He will be the master griller around the house.

Mark is also the new ward clerk. We currently have about 700 members in our ward so it takes a while for Mark to count every Sunday. We are hoping that our ward will be split soon. We actually sat in the Relief Society room this last Sunday because both the Sacrament room and the cultural hall were filled. Crazy!

I am the assistant Wolf leader in scouts. There are about 7 boys that we meet with every week. Last week we planted seeds in egg cartons together. They are cute boys and Meira enjoys seeing them each week.

I have been working hard to decorate our home and get it more organized. It has proven to be quite challenging. I am in the middle of deciding what paint colors we would like to add in our home. The search is narrowing, but the verdict is not definite yet. We just finished our basement with a beautiful yellow.

Meira is growing like crazy. She has the cutest personality and makes us laugh and smile everyday. She is sleeping through the night from 7:00 PM -7:00 AM. We are so proud of her. She is crawling all over the place and can wave and say "bye-bye" to daddy every morning. She is looking more and more like a toddler than a baby to us and it makes us a little bit sad that our baby is growing up so fast. We love her so much.

1 comment:

The Tippets Family said...

Um, so when are you going to update this? We're wanting to see more of your little cutie-patooty!